All You Need to Know About Cross Country and International Moving

9 November 2021
International Moving

Nearly any major move from one home to another will take some planning, and this is especially true the longer the distance you’ll be covering.

For cross-country or international moves, planning will often begin as far as six months in advance or even further — and it’s important to ensure you’ve planned this event out properly and know what to expect when the big day comes.

At CMS Companies, we’re here to help. We offer a wide range of long-distance moving services, for both international moves and other cross-country distances — and we’re on-hand to assist you with all your preparation elements as well so you have a clear idea of what to expect from us. Here’s a rundown on how to prepare for a cross-country move from Seattle.

Get an Estimate

First and foremost, we strongly recommend you schedule either an in-person or virtual walk-through estimate. We will get you started with this process by providing you with a free estimate through our website — and we’ll make it easy to schedule your visit, whether in-person or online (video chat).

This allows you to get an accurate idea of what your moving costs will be, plus what you’ll need to budget for. We also go over each of our available long-distance moving services provided, so you’ll know exactly what’s included with each package — and if there are any additional charges that may be added on (e.g., packing supplies).

Book Your Move in Advance

Once you’ve reviewed estimates and have found the ideal move plan, it pays to book your move in advance. This ensures your move will be scheduled when you want it to as dates do book quickly at the end of each month.

Move Coordinator

Once you book a move with us, we will connect you with your move coordinator. This person will be your primary point of contact for your entire move, and they’ll be the one you speak with through every step of the process. They’ll walk you through everything that happens after your booking, from pre-moving services to what to expect once we arrive at your home.

Downsizing Where Possible

In the weeks and even months leading up to your cross-country move, go through your belongings and look for anything you no longer need. This will help to cut down on the number of boxes and packing materials you’ll need to buy (and it will also lighten your load, minimizing moving costs).

What can you do with items you no longer need? You have a few options here, from giving them to friends or family to selling them online or donating them to charity. Be sure to declutter in advance — it truly will make your moving day go more smoothly.

Cleaning and Decluttering

Another process that should begin well before your actual moving day is the cleaning and decluttering of your home. This is obviously a big project, and one that will likely take weeks or months to complete (depending on the size of your home).

While this isn’t necessarily related to moving cross-country, it will certainly help cut down on the time you need to spend packing and organizing your belongings — and it will also create a clean slate for your new home. You’ll want to go through each room and get rid of anything you no longer need or want, then focus on making sure everything that will need maintenance (e.g. appliances) is taken care of prior to move-in day.

The general rule here is “one in, one out.” Every time you bring in a new item, you’ll need to get rid of an old one. This will help ensure your home is clutter-free and spacious, regardless of its original size.

And of course, when the actual moving day itself comes, you want to ensure your space is clean and clear enough for both you and movers to move throughout the space freely. Any debris or obstructions should be cleared out prior to the moving day itself — and anything you don’t want tossed or donated should be boxed up and labeled so it can be easily taken care of.

Packing Themes

For those who have chosen to do some or all of their own packing for this move, this is yet another process that should begin weeks ahead of time. You may choose to designate packing days for certain rooms, or you can just pack up items as they become available throughout the weeks leading up to your move.

Regardless of how you plan on packaging things up, it pays to go about it in an organized fashion that will ensure all your belongings are packed safely and securely (and nothing gets lost). For those who have the time, you may wish to start sorting everything into piles of similar items so it’s easier to find things as you go.

Now, there are some who simply don’t have the time to pack up some or even any of their belongings — and we’re here to help! We provide comprehensive packing and unpacking solutions for our clients; just say the word and we’ll include this in your estimate.

Delivery Spreads

Finally, one important topic to be aware of for a long-distance move is delivery spreads, which refer to a range of dates you’ll be given based on the weight and mileage of your shipment.

Your coordinator will be sure to keep you updated on the ETA of your shipment once it is in transit so you can be prepared for delivery.

For more on how to prepare for a cross-country or international move from Seattle, or to learn about any of our quality moving or storage services, contact the pros at CMS Companies today.


What are the key differences between cross-country and international moving?

Cross-country moving involves relocating within the same country, often requiring long-distance transportation across states or regions. International moving, on the other hand, involves relocating to a different country, which includes additional complexities such as customs regulations, international shipping logistics, and potential language barriers. Both types of moves require detailed planning, but international moves typically involve more extensive paperwork and coordination.

How should I prepare for an international move in terms of documentation and regulations?

For an international move, you’ll need to prepare various documents such as passports, visas, work permits, and customs forms. Research the specific requirements for your destination country, including any restrictions on certain items and required vaccinations or health certificates. Contact the consulate or embassy of your destination country for accurate information. Additionally, hire an international moving company experienced in handling customs regulations to help streamline the process.

What should I consider when choosing a moving company for a cross-country or international move?

When selecting a moving company, consider their experience with long-distance or international moves, their reputation, and the services they offer. Look for companies with good reviews and ratings, and ask for recommendations from friends or family. Ensure they provide comprehensive insurance coverage and have a clear policy on handling and resolving claims. Obtain detailed quotes and compare the costs and services provided by different companies to make an informed decision.

How can I effectively pack and protect my belongings for a long-distance or international move?

For long-distance and international moves, use high-quality packing materials such as sturdy boxes, bubble wrap, and packing paper to protect your items. Label boxes clearly with their contents and destination room. For international moves, consider climate conditions and potential delays, and pack items accordingly. Use moving pads and blankets for furniture, and consider professional packing services for valuable or fragile items to ensure they are securely packed and protected.

What are some common challenges faced during cross-country and international moves, and how can I address them?

Common challenges include logistical issues, customs delays, language barriers, and adjusting to a new environment. To address these challenges, plan well in advance and stay organized with a detailed moving checklist. Keep important documents and essentials accessible. Communicate regularly with your moving company to stay informed about the status of your shipment. For international moves, learn basic phrases in the local language and research your destination to ease the transition. Seek support from expatriate communities or relocation services to help with settling in.

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